FGPL4 - Base Capture

Military part of our 4th Anniversary event

Base Capture

2 teams, 2 bases...

This year, we prepared something special and unique... Together with FlightGear Republic as part of IFAA

So, what is the Base Capture thing?

We will have two teams, likely FGPL vs FGRAF, and we will have two bases. First team will have their home base on EPKS airport, second team will have their base on EPRZ airport. The goal is to take the enemy base down, and protect your base.

What about the rules?

There are a few rules... First of all, every team will have limited amounmt of respawns which will be three times number of participants in each team.

Next rule are bases - there will be two main bases, and few additional, which each team will be able to capture. Each team can only respawn on the base which is owned by them

What about AWACS, Aerial Refueling, or SAM?

Of course all of these things are allowed, but remember to have strategy, and not just do what you need right now

What will be the bases?

EPKS will be base for team 1 (BLUFOR), EPRZ will be base for team 2 (OPFOR), and we will have 2 additional bases - EPPW and EPRA